
What is the point of life if not to rejoice and be joyful

To be alive is why we’re alive

And why do we feel miserable then? It’s because we are cut off from our source, God. Not the religious “G-o-d”, but the source of our spirit. Our God.

Has any newborn ever needed school as soon as they were born? Or needed slokas recited to them the first thing?

All of us came from love, and we need and fees on love the first thing.

That’s why breast milk, look, it’s the very bosom of the Mother, it’s on her heart, that the baby finds rest and solace in. Nowhere else does the child feel comfortable.

Similarly we were made in Gods image and likeness, we were made for love and when we get poison, trauma and pain and cold callous religious expectations instead or love, we die a little inside. Somewhere somehow we know this can’t be God.

How can an insensitive Spirit make a sensitive human? ,

How can he who formed the eye not see, similarly how can he who made the heart not care?

Our true source is pure unconditional love and when religion let’s you down… Look inside your quietness in your heart you’ll find the source again.

“If you seek Me with all your heart and all your soul, and require Me as a desperate need (like baby screaming for mom or dad or love) , I will be found by you, declares the Lord”—Jeremiah 29:11, paraphrased.

This is the true nature of the God we serve… May you find Him, that’s the end of all misery. His name is Jehovah Shalom, I found Him within me.

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