The Answer To The Drought In Your Soul

And like every lover on the face of the earth, God too, has restrictions that He won't cross unless you let Him

OBEY GOD! Will No Longer Scare You Post This

Now when I say obedience, I'm not talking about slavery and yes the two are NOT synonymous. They are not the same thing, obedience is when you have the free will to choose between agreement ornon agreement over something and choose out of free will to agree. Obedience is defined as : obedience noun1. The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others:acquiescence, amenability, amenableness, compliance, compliancy, deference, submission, submissiveness, tractability, tractableness.2. An act of willingly carrying out the wishes of others:compliance, observance. …


I don't know why… Some people love making you feel worthless. Or why you still give them worth. It's so shocking to see how invisible you really are to them. There's a point you reach.. When they keep lying, keep cheating, keep hurting you. You finally realise.. Why the hell am I trying to be, …

Perception Vs Reality, Mind Control And Fallen Angels

If you've been feeling out of control, thrown around, beaten down by life, it's most likely not even God, Here's how you can get free!