The Answer To The Drought In Your Soul

And like every lover on the face of the earth, God too, has restrictions that He won't cross unless you let Him

OBEY GOD! Will No Longer Scare You Post This

Now when I say obedience, I'm not talking about slavery and yes the two are NOT synonymous. They are not the same thing, obedience is when you have the free will to choose between agreement ornon agreement over something and choose out of free will to agree. Obedience is defined as : obedience noun1. The quality or state of willingly carrying out the wishes of others:acquiescence, amenability, amenableness, compliance, compliancy, deference, submission, submissiveness, tractability, tractableness.2. An act of willingly carrying out the wishes of others:compliance, observance. …

Why Love Leaves You Disappointed

What to do when all kinds of Love have left you burnt and dry

Why The Heck Did Jesus Die? What Is This Good News? The True Gospel Of Jesus Christ

There was No ONE as GLORIOUS as JESUS among the Men that Walked the Earth. He was Strong, Healthy, Successful, Beautiful to behold, Princely, He never suffered from diseases or emotional pain by default...Yet He chose to DIE in the MOST HORRIBLE WAY and this is supposedly GOOD NEWS. HOW? Who is this Man , why did he die what did his death accomplish? Take a look into God's own beautiful Heart FOR YOU.


I don't know why… Some people love making you feel worthless. Or why you still give them worth. It's so shocking to see how invisible you really are to them. There's a point you reach.. When they keep lying, keep cheating, keep hurting you. You finally realise.. Why the hell am I trying to be, …

The Waiting

Courtesy: Youtube I want the God who is more than just a "FEELING"I want the God who is SENSITIVE to me as I am SENSITIVE to Him and EVEN MORE because He was there before me.I want the God who LAUGHS like meI want the God who is like the WINDAND everyone born of Him …

Parallel Universes, CIA Holographic Universe and The Truth Of The Rapture and Bride of Christ

Courtesy : When God made man he intended him to be his forever temple. And he never intended for a physical temple.. But he gave his people that... Just because they wanted it.  Jesus Christ didn't die to establish a physical kingdom. He died to establish an eternal... Kingdom The spirit gives life the flesh profits …

Mi Amor

I'm pretty sure Sita defended Ram like this when Raavan asked her what's so special about him, I'm so much better ! "He is altogether beautiful there is no flaw in him without him even the sun looks dull and devoid of shine this is my beloved and my God can you ever match him?"