A Piece Of Me

Its like the trees are shedding their leaves just to grab my attention.. The rose plants with their wondrous flowers... Are smiling at me.. Assuring me of safety and peace.


I meet the sea after many a days travel, and I mourn the loss of my friend the river.. I cry and weep,


I look into myself to find the answers, I meet darkness. Voices that whisper through this dark mist , of the journey itself being a mirage. Restlessness and an in-satiated heart. The beginning and the end of my suffering is here , in this heavy mist that shrouds everything in darkness. Solace my soul..is a …

Roasted leaves and dark rain clouds

Yesterday was a beautiful day . I returned home to find dark menacing clouds slowly engulf the white lifeless sky of my city. From the highest point on my terrace I could see the places the sky was pouring rain upon. .I watched the trees dance in response to it...the wind blow...yet hardly any human …

Driver’s seat

The one thing  I realised today was that... All my stress and I'm sure many of you can relate... So all our stress.. Comes from filling in our positions and roles in life a little too much... Why is that bank statement bothering you so much? Someone cracked a joke on you and you feel …

Cheat sheet To Beat Depression

In reality, This person is just a happy soul, trekking through life. There was someone who once said, give a man desire, food and something to love..and he will be the happiest. Well I must say that person was right. A little desire to be..a desire to live each day as if it were the …


"Dance is beautiful..every single one of us knows how to dance...close your eyes..lift your hands and let your heart take you through the music through the realms ..."

Mellow drumbeat

"lately I've been hard to reach.. I've been too long on my own.. Everybody has their private space where they can be alone. Are you reaching out to me?? Are you trying to get through.. Are you calling out.. I'm reaching out.. To you "


"It is so very difficult to choose between one task and the other without the feeling of losing out on the 0ther task.Honestly, If my mind were to be a statute it would be a multiple armed Indian Goddess ."


"I seek for a place of unfamiliarity; horizons that will leave me spellbound in wonder."