Perception Vs Reality, Mind Control And Fallen Angels

If you've been feeling out of control, thrown around, beaten down by life, it's most likely not even God, Here's how you can get free!

Mi Amor

I'm pretty sure Sita defended Ram like this when Raavan asked her what's so special about him, I'm so much better ! "He is altogether beautiful there is no flaw in him without him even the sun looks dull and devoid of shine this is my beloved and my God can you ever match him?"

Where is Your FAITH?

There is no fear in love Courtesy: Philip Kosloski and he who is made perfect in love will fear nothing. Have you ever met someone who only has GOOD intentions for you?Their heart towards you is PURE, is TENDER and is GOOD They only want your GOOD. Have you met these kind of people. The …

Do You Feel Like A LOSER Today? Read On

Because we are so afraid, inherently...because our parents have made us afraid, because of evil in this world, because of threat to life, somewhere down the line we forget our Spirit nature and become engrossed in the flesh.

A Piece Of Me

Its like the trees are shedding their leaves just to grab my attention.. The rose plants with their wondrous flowers... Are smiling at me.. Assuring me of safety and peace.

Kill Depression Forever With This One Thing!

The fact that you are here is in itself a sure shot sign that YOU ARE HOPEFUL. Maybe not yet externally, but internally somewhere, deep down, you're looking for a reason to live, a GOOD REASON. And I'm here to tell you, HEY! you've won the battle already. Courtesy: DNA India Here I will disclose …

Slow Down : I’ve Got A GOOD WORD For You

How best to live from where we are now? How would I behave if the body and life I have now are NEW?