Parallel Universes, CIA Holographic Universe and The Truth Of The Rapture and Bride of Christ

Courtesy : When God made man he intended him to be his forever temple. And he never intended for a physical temple.. But he gave his people that... Just because they wanted it.  Jesus Christ didn't die to establish a physical kingdom. He died to establish an eternal... Kingdom The spirit gives life the flesh profits …

Perception Vs Reality, Mind Control And Fallen Angels

If you've been feeling out of control, thrown around, beaten down by life, it's most likely not even God, Here's how you can get free!

Is Doreen Virtue Right In What She’s Saying? Everything You Need To Know

The current rave in the psychic community, is about ex-psychic Doreen Virtue. She made quite a few tarot decks that are a worldwide hit now , published and sold through Hay House. In fact, even I use a deck that she made. (Healing with the Angels deck, in case you're curious). Courtesy: Reasons for Jesus …